Veggie sticks

3rd March 2023

Watch the recipe video here:

Ingredients for two servings:

  • 200 grams of Cauliflower
  • 1/4 clove of Garlic
  • A pinch of Black Pepper
  • A pinch of Oregano
  • 2 spoonfuls of Olive Oil
  • 1 Egg 
  • 25 grams of Blevit Plus


  1. Grate the cauliflower and chop up the garlic. Fry the garlic in a pan with a spoonful of oil until it is golden brown.
  2. Add the cauliflower and season with pepper and oregano. Sauté for 5 minutes and set it aside.
  3. Mix the cauliflower, egg and Blevit Plus Cereals in a bowl until you obtain a smooth mixture.
  4. Roll it into little balls with your hands and then flatten them.
  5. Fry them in a pan with a spoonful of olive oil until they are golden brown.

Nutritional value (per serving)

Energy value: 190.15 Kcal; Protein: 6.90 g; Carbohydrate: 11.82 g; Fat: 12.48 g


This recipe is rich in vitamins and minerals.

The stick shape makes it easier for the baby to hold it and feel the texture of the food.

Cooking tips

Fry the sticks until they are golden brown so that they will not come apart. You can add different vegetables, such as broccoli, pumpkin, carrot, etc.
This recipe can be made with different varieties of Blevit cereals.

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